Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog # 11                           

                                                               The Meatrix

                   In the movie Meatrix the author is showing a simbolic way to let us know that today the farms are way different as long ago. About 40 years ago when we visited a farm we used to see the owner of the farm treating their animal almost as pets.In contrast today family farms is a fantasy. The farmers are raising their animal like a factory, they make their animal reproduce and have many babys are possible. Animals grow in small places that caused them to take a over dose of antibiotics to resist germs, also animals produce massive amount of faeces that pollutes the water, as a result destroying communitties.

                                                             The Meatrix II
                      The farmers started artificial hormones to make the animals grow faster, get fat and produce more milk, as a result farmers didn't need to wait long to kill the animal saving money and time. When the babies are born they separeate them from their mother and they drink milk through tubes that make them drinking more milk  as neccessary to grow faster and fat.Some cows get sick and that disease call 'Mad cow desease", the cow that fail sick could be use to eat, as a result many people could eat the meat got very sick and die. Leo ( the pig) wonders if he is the one to save the world.

                                                           The Meatrix II and a half

                    Farmers kill and cut 4000 thousands cows in a single day, causing dangerous working conditions because the workers work so fast that they get injuries. The insane need for speed results in bad quality of the meat that contains some manure because parts of the intestine are between the meat. Moopheus with his passion for green pastures expose the problems with factorys and ask for the world to be involved then we could have family farms again.

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