Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog # 8

                                                   " The Matrix doesn't exists"

         The Matrix doesn't exists, this is just one more scifi movie that trys to make people think deeper about their lives and reevaluate some concepts. In the movie the autor uses the character of Morpheus as a God that knows all the truth about the world and has the knowledge and authority to show the people how the world really is and how we have being blind about it. In my opinion this is a intersting movie based on the theory of Socrates but is not truth at all and will never be. People are used to hear about all these rumors that the world is about to end, as a result people get scared. I remember whem i was a child that everybody used to say that in the year 2000 the world was ending and that never happened, so after that day all these rumors I try to ignore and starting to  believe that just God knows the truth.

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