Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog # 10                                                  
                                                 Tutor Visit

                    This visit was helpfull and worth because working 101 make easy to undertand our difficulties.I believe we should do this more frequently.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog # 9
                                                  Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?

              In the article " Red Pill or Blue Pill : Is ignorance Bliss " the author is showing the similarity between the movie "The Matrix" and "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Both of the protagonists are experiencing similar situations in life, also they are having the opportunity to get to know a new world from someone else's point of view. Neo the protagonist of the "The Matrix" and Alice the protagonist of "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland" got confused about the changes and both started questioning if this was real or was just their imagination. Both of these movies were based on the book "The Allegory of the Cave" by Socrates that mentions the liberation from the believes that we are used to.
            After they experience the new world it is hard to go back to the place they lived before and communicate to people that the world is a simple simulation of reality. When people live in their worlds for so long the change can be painful and also some people can refuse doing it.In the movie " The Matrix" the author uses a simbolic way to choose our change where the blue pill means that we continue in our regular lives and a red pill that means a complete change for a new world that nobody told us before. Likewise, in the movie "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"the simbol for the change is a drink and a cake that a Caterpillar offers to her. The author shows in both movies the importance to take risks in life and grow as a person and open our minds to new things.
               Sometimes changes can cause a weird feeling because we can get lost trying to figure out who we really are. Also depending on the change we would need a complete reeducation of habits and concepts about life or even phisical skills like we see in the movie.In addition starting over in a new world is a big challenge because we have to go through some new situations that can make us question if we made the right choice.
                 I believe that everybody should take the red pill to have an opportunity to discover a new world. I am from Brasil and after 28 years living a convenient life with things that I knew for example: the language, places to go,culture, expressions, friends, family,how should I behave to be accepted and all these things that can bring us to a comfort zone I realize that I was tired. I had a nice job, my own apartment,  new car and all that make me starting questioning "that is it?" and i decided to come to New York and live with a friend of mine.
                I arrived in this country in 2001 and I didn't know how to say " how are you?" or " how much is that?", in other hand, I was so happy that I took the risk and I felt so proud of my self. Some days when I was still living in Brazil I use to think that moving to New York was impossible and a crazy decision. Later I realized that it could be nice to start over in a new place even with all the difficulties. Coming here I felt like a newborn, illiterate and ignorant, but I didn'tlet this be a barrier that could change my mind making me go back to Brazil. I had to literally reeducate myself and I can tell you that is not easy and sometimes can be frustranting.
               In Conclusion I truly believe that there is always a new world to discover and it is up to us to take the chance.Also based on the famous account given by Socrates and on both movies that I mention before and including my own experience, changes are never going to be for the worse because they can always add knowledge, it can be good or bad, but it can make you a better person.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog # 8

                                                   " The Matrix doesn't exists"

         The Matrix doesn't exists, this is just one more scifi movie that trys to make people think deeper about their lives and reevaluate some concepts. In the movie the autor uses the character of Morpheus as a God that knows all the truth about the world and has the knowledge and authority to show the people how the world really is and how we have being blind about it. In my opinion this is a intersting movie based on the theory of Socrates but is not truth at all and will never be. People are used to hear about all these rumors that the world is about to end, as a result people get scared. I remember whem i was a child that everybody used to say that in the year 2000 the world was ending and that never happened, so after that day all these rumors I try to ignore and starting to  believe that just God knows the truth.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog # 7

                                                          The Dangers of Reality TV

                 Reality TV as we know it began back in 1992 when MTV first broadcast the Real World to a desert island to make a alive competition and who survived won the price. Most of these competitions, the person who wans sometimes wasn't the one who has more capacity, but someone who conquer the audience with charisma and beauty that make the public to vote and making that person a winner. One of the problems to watch theses shows is that young fans get addicts. Besides that the shows send a wrong and dangerous messages, molding young fans minds, also reinforcing the ideas of life as a competition and education isn't importante in life. The owners and producer of these shows should have better means of reality show with a educational messagens.
                The addiction of young fans is forcing them to watch the show every day, also recording it. Further they discuss about it with friends and trying to decide who has the rigths to win the competition. Equally important is that the students or young fans are spending to much time on these shows and they should give these kind of attention to school and educational topics.I am a mother of two boys 15 and 9 years old and i can tell you by my own experience that my kids come back from school and they watcthed all this shows and i always argument with them that they should be much better if they expended that time reading a intersting book ou studing what they learned in school on that day, so i tell them to do their hw and they roush it to wacth the show, as a result, the hw get slope. It is kind of a sad situation because they are expending time on something that is not instructive.
               The reality shows are molding the young fans mind, also making them believe that school and education is not important to be successful in life.In contrast, they believe that beauty, popularity is the secret to find the success and being famous, as a result we are raising many stupid people that don't have a cultural base to be somebody in life. For instance, I am from Brazil and in my country we have a reality show called BBB ( Big Brother Brasil), the show works exactly like here in America, men and women competing each other inside a house that they can't go out and they have no comunication with the out side world and the girl or guy who wins the price also has to take pictures for Playboy Magazine .Can you believe it!!
                After watching many shows the young fans starting to see life as a competition, in addition some kids that belong in a team wants to be the best player in their own team. In fact, I know one friend of mine that has a son that plays in a soccer team, and he use to say to his playmates from the same team that he was better than them, as a result, the team started to repulse him and he was invited to leave the team because of his behavior.
                In conclusion, I truly believe that the producers of these shows should make a reavaluation about it and changing the topics and messages to be more instructional and educational.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog# 6

                                                " The Truman Show -- Self Determination"

                           Self  Determination is a theory of motivation, it supports our natural tendencies to behave in effective and healthy ways. In the movie 'The Truman Show", i believe the autor is trying to show people that when we have Self Determination we can reach our goals. In the movie truman ( Jim Carey) is a insurance salesman that discover that his entire life is actually a T.V. show, as a result, he got upset because he figure out that everybody new and just him didn't, so he decided to change his life and start over in another place, where he could be himself without nobody watching and judging him.
                          In the same way, many people fell trapped in situation in life that make them change their behaviors and trying to find the way out of it. Personally i already experience something similiar. Let me explain....Since I ws a child i use to be a independente girl and i always use to do things by my self, for example, fixing bicycles, build dolls house with paper boxes, help my mother raise my little brother and more.
                          Moreover when I was sixteen years old, I started on my first job at a National Bank as assistant administrative and after five years a bought my own apartment and started living by my self. Furthermore, five more years passed and I decided that was time to change my life and I decide to move to New York City and start a new chapter of my life, this decision make my intere family upset, and my father wasn't talking with me anymore.
                         On the other hand, I was determinated to change my life and I spoke with my boss at the bank and he accepted my decission and I left the the job. At the next day, I organized a meeting in my house to explain to my family my reasons that I was tired to do the same thing for ten years and I felt that I could do and be more than that and coming to New York City could be a big challenge, because here I could learn English, find a job and learn the american culture and that could be a nice experience in my life, also if it didn't results alrigth i would come back, but knowing that I tried.
                       Further, in january 2002 I arrived in New York City and it was a freezing morning for me because in Brazil the winter is about 50 F, so that was my first challenge, but i was determinated to stay and nothing could hold me back. Hours later I arrived in my friends house and that was a small place with no privacy, I had to sleep in a sofa and my clothes in my bag, I find this to be my second challenge because my parents house is so big with a large back yard, also I use to have a room just for myself, however, my friend helps me to find a job at a shoes store and there a learned Spanish and little English. Learning Spanish wasn't easy because there are different accents from many coutries and I had to pay attention when people talked and sometimes i felt discriminated, and i believe that was my third challenge, because learning a different language isn't easy at all.
                     In conclusion, the motivation that the Self Determination can bring to our lives is the key for the success, as a result, here I got married and I became a mother of two boys. I truly believe that have done the best choise deciding moving to New York City.