Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog 3

                                            " The Allegory of the Cave"

                     In the article " The Allegory of the Cave" from the Book VII of The Republic by Plato, translated by Benjamin Jowett, Socrates is trying to teach and show that people see the world in many diferent ways.
                    When we born everything is a new beginning and we start to see  and learn things, and all those things make us as a person. Moreover, our parents at the beginning of our lifes are responsible for who we are and what we learn. Futhermore, when we reach a certain age (18 to 21), we supposed to leave our "caves" and live by ourselves and having the responsability to discorver a new world. In addition, we open our minds to a new world and we change as a person, and it is hard to go back to the same place that we use to live or being the same person that we use to. As a result, when people open the door for opportunities and to learn new things, people change and you can never go back because people may don't accept you the way you are now and even you nay not adapted to the old place that you use to live before.

                        In my opinion, the cave means our blind or confortable zone and at this point of my life i am not there any more. I am from Brazil and when i came here 10 years ago, i wans't feeling confortable at all, i didn't know anything, sometimes simples tasks was hard to solved because of the language barrier. In New York i got married, became a mother of two boys, learned English, found a job, and i change as a person. In addition, I would like to mention that in 2007 i went to Brazil to visit my family and all of them notice that i was dressing, talking and acting diferent, i was suprised to hear all these comments, because for me i was the same, but of course i couldn't be the same person after all these new things that a saw and learned. Moreover, the traffic in Brazil are not organized like in New York City and i got sad to realize that a never notice that before. Furthermore, when i made the comparison, my family got upset with me and that i was criticizing my on country. They really miss understood what a meant.As a result, a think that is hard to go back when we give ourselves the opportunities to learn new things in life and we never will see the world in the same way.

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